Enough with the task forces and commissions: It’s time to defund campus Jew-hatred — starting with Columbia University (including Barnard) and The New School.
Schools that refuse to crack down on goons who harass Jews, disrupt classes, occupy buildings and attack employees have no right to taxpayer money.
Yet, as a new Anti-Defamation League study shows, far too many government-funded colleges continue to tolerate antisemitism — despite all the investigations, commissions and reports focusing on the scourge.
Columbia, Barnard and The New School, the report found, are among the worst.
Team Trump can set a clear example by turning off the spigot to these three hotbeds of anti-Jewish hostility.
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The ADL report looked at 135 colleges; 30% got D or F ratings on fighting campus Jew-hatred.
Among NYC campuses, The New School got an F; Columbia and Barnard each got Ds.
Just last week, antisemites stormed Barnard’s Millman Hall, disrupting classes and sending a school worker to the hospital.
At the New School last year, hooligans took over a building, set up two encampments (one for faculty!), disrupted the school president’s speech and flashed anti-Zionist signs — including one with Hamas’ inverted triangle, marking a target marked for death.
Columbia has been the poster school for Jew-hatred, tolerating radicals’ weeks-long encampment, takeover of Hamilton Hall and attack on a worker.
Other Ivy League schools also scored poorly in the ADL report: Harvard, Penn, Cornell and Brown each received a C; Princeton and Yale, Ds.
Only eight of the 135 merited an A grade (including CUNY’s Brooklyn College and Queens College) — when, as ADL chief Jonathan Greenblatt argues, every school should easily earn the top grade: “This isn’t a high bar.”
What an understatement: Schools that allow far less animosity toward any other group — blacks, gays, Muslims — would face severe consequences in a New York minute.
Yet when it comes to anti-Jewish hatred, the response (at best) is to assign a task force, begin a study and utter nebulous, cowardly statements deploring “all forms of discrimination and hate.”
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Recall Gov. Kathy Hochul’s response to CUNY antisemitism? She had former New York Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman issue a report making lame recommendations (improve CUNY’s complaint portal) — and left it at that.
No wonder the school’s board and Chancellor Matos Rodriguez then let CUNY’s Hunter College offer a course pushing lies about Israel committing genocide.
Enough. Schools may be legally allowed to let Jew hatred flourish on their campuses. But there’s no reason taxpayers should fund them.
If politicians are serious about stamping out campus antisemitism, they need to start by shutting down the flow of government funds. Now.