He’s a real life Teen Wolf.
Lalit Patidar of India took home a world record for hairiest face on a man after it was determined he had a shocking 201.72 hairs per square centimeter of skin — meaning over 95% of his face is covered in hair, according to Guinness World Records.
Patidar, 18, was born with an extremely rare condition called hypertrichosis, known as werewolf syndrome, which causes excessive hair growth. Since the Middle Ages, only 50 cases have been documented, making the chance to get it one in a billion.
Lalit Patidar was born with the extremely rare condition of hypertrichosis. guinnessworldrecords
To assess him for the record, he traveled to Milan, Italy, where he visited a trichologist, who shaved small portions of his hair and then measured to see if he had, in fact, established a new mark. While in Italy, he also appeared on a TV program.
When he found out he would be awarded the record, Patidar said, “I am speechless, I don’t know what to say because I’m very happy to get this recognition.”
Patidar told the record book that his classmates were afraid of him when he started school, but then realized their initial impressions were wrong.
“They were scared of me, but when they started knowing me and talking to me they understood I was not so different from them, and it was just on the outside that I looked different, but I’m not different inside,” he said.
It was determined that he had 201.72 hairs per square centimeter of skin, which means over 95% of his face is covered in hair. guinnessworldrecords
He celebrates his unique look on social media, and has 265,000 followers on Instagram and 108,000 on YouTube.
And when people suggest he remove his facial hair, he explains that he is content with his appearance.
“There is not much to say to people about that. I tell them that I like how I am and I don’t want to change my look,” he said.